

#头条抄书打卡# 第184天


六年级上 Nn

neighbor 邻人 We will be neighbors. 我们会成为邻人。

My neighbor is a man of highest virtue. 我的邻人是一个具有崇高品行的人。

neighborhood 街区,临近的场合 There is a mountain bike race in the neighborhood of Red Rock Bay. 红岩湾社区有一场山地自行车比赛。

This neighborhood is quiet peaceful! 这临近一带很宁静安然。

noise 杂音 Don’t make so much noise. 别这么吵。

The dog perked its ears at the noise. 一听到噪声,狗就竖起了耳朵。

north 北 Walk north for ten minutes. 往北走十分钟。

November 十一月 In America Thanks Giving Day is on the fourth Thursday of November. 在美国感激节是十一月的第四个星期四。

next week 下周 They will come next week. 他们下周会来。

The kids start school next week. 孩子们下星期开学。

never 从不,绝不 He never helps me. 他从不帮我。

better late than never 亡羊补牢;迟做比不做好

need 必要 I need some plants. 我必要一些植物。

ninth 第九 Lisa’s birthday is on April ninth. 丽莎的生日是四月九号。

Ninth symphony 第九交响曲 ; 写了第九交响乐 ; 第九交响曲贝多芬

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