可可英语(英文有声绘本|可可香奈儿 Coco Chanel)

英文有声绘本|可可香奈儿 Coco Chanel

作者:Isabel Sanchez Vegara
绘者:Ana Albero适读年事:6-9岁

Coco Chanel 可可香奈儿.mp32:15来自Talk少儿英语

This is the story of a French Girl called Gabrielle.这是一个叫Gabrielle的法国女孩的故事。

When she was little,Gabrielle lived in an orphanage.在Gabrielle很小的时分,就在孤儿院生存。

The nuns thought Gabrielle was very strange.修女们都以为她很奇异。

She was different and they didn t like it.她有点和他人不一样,她们不喜好她如此。

Gabrielle was different.Gabrielle的确与众不同。

While the other girls played, she liked to sew with a needle and thread.别的小女孩玩得时分,她就喜好摆弄针线。

When Gabrielle grew up,she sewed by day and sang by night.当Gabrielle长大一些了,她用白天的时间缝补,夜晚的时间唱歌。

The people watching called her”Coco”.那些喜动听她唱歌的人都叫她“Coco”。

When Coco finally went to bed, she dreamt in shapes and patterns.夜晚Coco睡觉的时分, 也常常会梦到不同的外形和样式。

She wanted to make so many things.她有很多想做的东西。

One day,Coco made a hat for her friend.有一天,Coco给她的伙伴做了一顶帽子。

Simple and elegant,it was different to the usual style.既简便又优雅,看上去和事先盛行的样式很不一样。

Coco made more and more hats,until she had enough to open a hat shop.Coco厥后做了更多的帽子, 多到她乃至开了一家卖帽子的店。

Her modern designs surprised the mademoiselles in Paris.她的计划在事先看来十分潮水, 令很多的巴黎小姐们感受冷艳。

One evening at a party,Coco saw that the other ladies weren t dancing.有一天夜晚在party上,Coco看到很多密斯都不去舞蹈。

Their corsets were too tight and they could hardly breathe!由于她们穿的束腰裙真实是太紧了, 紧到呼吸都困难了!

So Coco created a brand new style,simple and straight.因此Coco就计划了一种新裙子, 简便的直筒裙。

Her dresses and skirts would be comfortable to wear.她计划的衣服都以穿着温馨为主。

At her first fashion show, some people sneered.当她计划的衣服初次显如今着装秀上的时分,很多人冷嘲热讽。

Coco s clothes were too strange and different for them.以为Coco的衣服太奇异了, 和当下的潮水一点都不一样。

But as time went on,Coco showed them that to be stylish you don’t need to wear corsets or sparkly sequins…但是随着时间的推移,Coco证实白想要风雅潮水, 你不一定非要穿着紧身衣和闪闪发光的衣服。

…and being different might make other people think differently too.……与众不同约莫也会让他人线人一新。

That’s why everyone now remembers the young Gabrielle as the great designer, Coco Chanel.这也是为什么直到如今, Gabrielle作为宏大的计划师, 不休能被年轻人所记取,她就是可可香奈儿。

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